It may seem like Christina Aguilera has had an easy life of fame, with her self-titled album and her first single "Genie In A Bottle" hitting #1. But this singing sensation wasn't an overnight success. She had many obstacles in her way, including her parents' divorce, showbiz disappointments and her so-called friends turning their backs on her.
teen turmoil
Even though this "little girl" with a "big voice" was a cheerleader at her Pittsburgh high school, she had a hard time fitting in. "A huge part of me was getting on stage and performing," says Christina. "But I also wanted to go to the movies and the mall to hang with my friends. I just wanted to be normal!" Unfortunately, her buds didn't fully accept her 'cause of her pop star dreams. "Most people put me on a pedestal that I didn't even want to be on," Christina confides. "They thought I was a snob, so a lot of them didn't even talk to me. It was rough, but it made me realize who my real friends were." It only got worse at Christina's prom. The DJ played "Genie In A Bottle" and the whole dance floor cleared. "I was really crushed!"
family ties
But through it all, her mom and sister were there for her. She's very close to them, because her folks split up when she was only seven years old and they had to rely on each other to get through the hard times. "My mom has given me so much strength. She's my hero. She kept our family together in times when it could have easily fallen apart," says Christina. "I really admire her. And my sister Rachel really looks up to me, which inspires me to do the right thing and always be my best."
musical message
Personal strength is what has enabled Christina to overcome the trying times and become a huge success. So she hopes to give a little of that strength to her female listeners, too. "To me, 'What A Girl Wants' and 'Genie In A Bottle' are about self-respect. They're aout a sassy, confident girl who knows what she wants and won't settle for less," explains Christina. "I think it's a positive message for girls being pulled in all different directions by their peers and guys. The more I can get girls to believe in themselves, the better. I think my confidence is what got me through all of my hard times. It made me concentrate on my goals and want to achieve them even more."
news about her next album...
After she releases the Spanish version of her first album, she's going to start recording again right away. "I plan on writing songs this time around, so I connect more to my music," says Christina. "It's important to me to fully represent myself in my art since most music right now is pre-packaged." And she says the vibe on the album will be "pop with an edge." Stay tuned!