
July 17, 1998

Please Welcome Christina Aguilera. Christina is featured in Disney's newest animated movie, Mulan.

Question: Now that you have broken into music, what are your plans?

EA ChrisA: For now, working on my new album and I'm doing a lot of commercials for Disney, interviews, etc.

Question: Was this your first time as an animated voice?

EA ChrisA: Yes, it was.

Question: Is there a single?

EA ChrisA: Yes! It's doing very well.

Question: what is your favorite personal quote

EA ChrisA: I practically have a *book* of them. I like quotes that are about following your dreams.

Question: Can you speak any foreign languages?

EA ChrisA: I'm trying to learn Spanish.

Question: Do you get past the line on disneyland?

EA ChrisA: Actually, there are guides that walk around with guests, and they got me one of them.

Question: Are you going to sing for movie soundtracks or are you going to be an official singer like Bandy?

EA ChrisA: Oh, no. I'm definitely recording my own album.

EAMC Host: Thank you all for joining us here, we would like to announce our winner of the custom-made Mulan jacket! It is NSYNCnBSB, the first person to correctly answer our Mulan trivia question, congratulations!! Goodnight everyone!