
December 2, 1999

Teen People Tony: Good evening, everybody. My name is Tony, and Teen People Online is very pleased to welcome to the stage tonight pop sensation and Teen People cover girl Christina Aguilera. Christina is phoning in tonight from Mexico City, where she's currently on tour. Welcome, Christina.

Christina Aguilera: Hi, everybody! I'm in Mexico at the moment, and I'm having fun here. I am really looking forward to your questions.

Question: Hi, Christina! My name is Katie, and you are such an inspiration to me! I have two questions for you. First off, if you weren't in the music business, what do you think you would be doing? And second, in ten years, what do you think you'll be doing?

Christina Aguilera: Geez, if I wasn't doing this, I'd still be working at it. And if I wasn't doing that, I'd be [in] some other aspect of the business, being creative in some other form, producing or writing or something like that. Ten years from now, I'd like be the all-around entertainer I want to be, going into film, releasing a Spanish album, becoming a household name!

Question: When is your newest CD coming out?

Christina Aguilera: My newest CD! We still have singles from this one! We just released "What a Girl Wants" and the next single will be, hopefully, "I Turn to You." We'll see what happens from there. I'm going through a lot of experiences now, traveling the world. I keep a journal that is translated into lyrics and melodies, which will make for more personal lyrics on the next record.

Teen People Tony: Are you writing any songs on the road, and do you get a chance to record them?

Christina Aguilera: Well, at the moment we're working on starting my Spanish album in the spring. There will be a Christmas album next year, and the Christmas single is out now. The next album will bring in other music styles than R&B or soul, because it's a natural vocal style for me. Hopefully, we can bring in some people from the rock world.

Question: You are very good singer! Who do you want to go in a film with as an actor?

Christina Aguilera: Hmm! Well, thank you. I want to get into a dramatic role. I want to get into a dramatic part. I'm not sure who I'd like to work with -- I'd have to think about it.

Question: Christina, you are awesome! I was just wondering if you have changed any from how you used to be, and if your family and friends have changed any.

Christina Aguilera: Yeah, I've grown and learned a lot from this whirlwind experience that changed my life. I'm doing what I love to do right now, and it's sad that sometimes it changes the people around you. Due to the fact that I've always been in the business on some level, doing "The Mickey Mouse Club" when I was younger and whatnot, I've always had to deal with some type of alienation on some level, and it changes the way people perceive you. But all in all, it makes you a stronger person.

Question: What kind of car do you have?

Christina Aguilera: I was hoping we'd have flying cars in the year 2000. I've always watched "The Jetsons" and stuff. Unfortunately, I don't have any car because I don't have a driver's license! I'm looking forward to getting a cute sports car, top down, maybe a Porsche or something - if I ever get my license.

Question: Christina, what do you do before you go on stage? Do you have a special thing you do before going out there?

Christina Aguilera: Before I go on stage, it's very important to pray. My dancers and I hold hands in a circle, and one of us says a prayer for good luck on the stage and for the Lord to be with us. So that's what we do before a show.

Question: Do you have a brother or sister?

Christina Aguilera: I am the oldest of five. The ages range from my 3 1/2-year-old brother to my 16-year-old stepbrother to me, the oldest, who will be 19 in December. I miss seeing them a lot since I'm on the road, and I don't get to see them grow up. It's important to keep in touch over the phone.

Question: What are some of the most fascinating places you have visited on your tour?

Christina Aguilera: The most interesting place? I do have my favorites. I love Japan. I have history there -- my father was in the military, and I lived there from ages 3 through 6. I really loved going to Spain. It's like a second home, since I'm half Latin. I like London as well. It's a fun place with cool shopping.

Teen People Tony: Have you ever met Barbara Eden, and is she the inspiration behind your hit "Genie in a Bottle"?

Christina Aguilera: I am DYING to meet her! I would love it! I wanted someone to hook up a photo shoot for the two of us. I'm sure I'll get my chance one day. As far as the writing went, I had minimal writing contribution to the song. Barbara Eden didn't really cross the writers' minds, but it came together with the rubbing of the lamp thing. It's a cute twist on word play.

Question: What do you have to say to people such as teens who want to be a star?

Christina Aguilera: I would say know that you REALLY want to do it. It's a lot of hard work, but for me, it was no question. Explore all aspects of your creativity. Figure out what's new about you, and what you can give as an artist. Get some form of representation to get your foot in the door with record labels, and never give up!

Question: Do you have any plans for college?

Christina Aguilera: Hmm... college is definitely something to ponder. If I were to go, I would want to major in something like psych -- something other than music. It might be fun to go one day, but it would have to be for something other than music.

Question: How do you feel when you go out in front of a big crowd? Does it feel strange or are you used to all the people screaming?

Christina Aguilera: The bigger the crowd, the better! On stage, it's the most comfortable place for me. I feel most alive and most at home there. I live for being on stage. I love feeling an audience's energy and connecting with so many people all at once. There's no other feeling like that in the world. It's not a job.

Question: Christina, who is the biggest influence in your life, not just on your music?

Christina Aguilera: Not just on music? I really admire my mom. We went through a lot of hard times when I was growing up, and she has been a really great example of strength and endurance. My parents separated when I was younger, and it was pretty amazing that she was able to raise my sister and I on her own. I really admire her for that.

Question: When's your birthday?

Christina Aguilera: My birthday is very soon! It's December 18th. A lot of people got that misconstrued, I know, because there was a misprint in a magazine that it was November 17th. But it's December 18th, and I'll be 19.

Question: What is your favorite move in "Genie in a Bottle"?

Christina Aguilera: (laughs) It's got to be the genie move where my hands go above my head in the triangle form and do the hip movement. That is my favorite part.

Question: Hi! I love your songs! If you could meet any celebrity, who would it be?

Christina Aguilera: I've met one of my biggest idols, Whitney Houston, recently. She's been it for me lately. There are other people I have yet to meet, such as Mariah, and I would love to meet Etta James.

Question: Hey! What are you doing for Christmas and New Year's?

Christina Aguilera: For New Year's, I will be in the most chaotic place, New York City, where I will be doing something for MTV in Times Square. It should be a blast! Lots of great energy that night. My mom is freaking about Y2K.

Question: Have you written any of your own music?

Christina Aguilera: I definitely contributed a lot of melody ideas and lyric changes on this album. I have a song on the "Pokemon" soundtrack called "Miracle" that I cowrote with one of the producers on the record. That is the beginning of my own writing, but there will be more to come in the future.

Christina Aguilera: The reason I didn't get full writing credit on this record is because they wanted to get it out fairly quickly since I'd just come off the "Mulan" soundtrack. We'd gotten a lot of great songs in a short period of time from people like Diane Warren. We were able to release a great album.

Teen People Tony: Thanks so much for joining us tonight, Christina. Good luck on your tour and with Y2K. Any final thoughts?

Christina Aguilera: Thank you to everyone who has joined in. Hope to see you when I'm out with TLC soon. Thanks to everyone who has supported the record, and I can't wait to see you all very soon!